Hierarchical Matrices
Frequently Asked Questions
- Basics
- What is a hierarchical matrix?
- Where can I find a good introduction?
- Is there software available?
- Arithmetics
- Can I control the storage requirements when performing
H-matrix arithmetics?
- Can I control the precision when performing
H-matrix arithmetics?
- Integral equations
- What kinds of integral equations can be treated
by hierarchical matrices?
- I want to use hierarchical matrices in an existing
code for integral equations. How much programming would be
- How are hierarchical matrices related to panel
clustering algorithms and multipole methods?
- Partial Differential Equations
- What types of partial differential equations can be
treated by hierarchical matrices?
- I want to use hierarchical matrices in my existing
code for partial differential equations. How much programming would
be required?
- Should I use the H-matrix inverse or the
H-matrix LU factorization when solving elliptic partial
differential equations?
- HLib
- What is HLib?
- Is it free?
- What platforms are supported?
- Is there a documentation for HLib?
What is a hierarchical matrix?
Hierarchical matrices (or short H-matrices) are efficient
data-sparse representations of certain densely populated matrices.
The basic idea is to split a given matrix into a hierarchy of rectangular
blocks and approximate each of the blocks by a low-rank matrix.
Based on this structure, approximative algorithms for matrix arithmetics,
inversion, preconditioning and even matrix equations can be introduced
that work in almost optimal complexity.
Where can I find a good introduction?
The lecture notes
[Börm/Grasedyck/Hackbusch2004] of the winterschools on hierarchical
matrices explain all basic concepts.
Is there software available?
Yes. HLib was the first library and has
been used successfully by many scientists for partial differential equations,
control problems, integral equations and matrix functions. There are also
a library by Ronald Kriemann that focuses on parallelization of
H-matrices and a library by Mario Bebendorf and Sergej Rjasanow
that contains the original implementation of the ACA algorithm
Can I control the storage requirements when performing
H-matrix arithmetics?
Yes, you can do so by using fixed-rank arithmetics, i.e., by prescribing
an upper bound for the rank of the matrices produced by truncation procedures.
Can I control the precision when performing
H-matrix arithmetics?
Yes, by using adaptive-rank arithmetics. The truncation procedures compute
all singular values of a given matrix, so it is possible to drop only those
values that lie below a given tolerance.
What kinds of integral equations can be treated
by hierarchical matrices?
Hierarchical matrices work if the kernel function can be approximated
by local expansions and if the discretization uses local basis functions.
Any integral equation with standard finite elements and asymptotically
smooth kernels should pose no problem at all.
I want to use hierarchical matrices in an existing
code for integral equations. How much programming would be
If you use HLib, there are several answers:
[Bebendorf/Rjasanow2003] implementation uses some sophisticated heuristics
to compute an H-matrix approximation of a matrix using only a
relatively small number of entries of the original matrix, so you can simply
plug your existing routine into the library.
If you need the higher performance and lower storage requirements of
H2-matrices, you can either convert the matrix created
by ACA to this format by calling the appropriate function or write routines
that evaluate your kernel function and integrate Lagrange polynomials to
create the H2-matrix directly
In order to be able to create a suitable cluster tree, you also have to
supply the library with some geometric information.
How are hierarchical matrices related to panel
clustering algorithms and multipole methods?
Closely. Both techniques are based on local low-rank approximations, so the
approximation schemes are similar and typically the resulting matrices turn
out to be of H-matrix structure. Fast multipole methods lead to
a structure similar to that of H2-matrices.
The main advantage of hierarchical matrices is that they provide arithmetic
operations, so we can efficiently construct good preconditioners or reduce
the storage requirements by purely algebraic algorithms.
What types of differential equations can be treated
by hierarchical matrices?
There are proofs for elliptic differential equations with
and control problems based on elliptic operators
I want to use hierarchical matrices in my existing
code for partial differential equations. How much programming would
be required?
If you use HLib, only a small amount of
"glue logic" should be required: You write the sparse matrix of the
discretized operator into the appropriate data structure of our library
and call a routine that transforms it into an H-matrix. Then you
can compute its approximate LU decomposition or inverse by calling the
corresponding functions.
In order to be able to create a suitable cluster tree, you also have to
supply the library with some geometric information.
Should I use the H-matrix inverse or the H-matrix
LU factorization when solving elliptic partial differential
The construction of the LU factorization takes less time than that of
the approximate inverse. You should compute the inverse only if you
are interested in performing additional operations with it, e.g.,
when solving matrix equations or approximating the matrix-valued
Dunford-Cauchy integral.
What is HLib?
HLib is a library for hierarchical matrices that was written
by Lars Grasedyck and Steffen Börm.
Most routines are written in the C programming language
using BLAS and
LAPACK for lower-level
algebraic operations.
The library contains functions for H- and
H2-matrix arithmetics, the treatment of partial
differential equations and a number of integral operators as well as
support routines for the creation of cluster trees, visualization
and numerical quadrature.
This is a work in progress, so there may be undiscovered errors
and you can expect new features to appear with every new release.
Is it free?
Yes, but only for research purposes. You just have to print out and sign
the license agreement and send it to the specified
address, and we will send you the source code of the library.
What platforms are supported?
We currently use Linux and different versions of SolarisTM,
but we have also succesfully tested the library on IrixTM and
Tru64 UnixTM.
Compiling for WindowsTM should pose no problems as long as
and LAPACK libraries
are available.
Is there a documentation for HLib?
There are the
lecture notes of the annual winter schools on hierarchical matrices.
They contain a description of the basic data structures and routines
as well as the theoretical foundations necessary to understand them.